
Monday, July 22, 2013

Becoming a Giveaway Artist.. Hmmm?

Don't know much about making a living as a giveaway artist, but some immediate benefits are pretty clear.
Bren Bataclan Cambridge Giveaway Artist
Bren Bataclan Giveaway Artist of Cambridge

What is a giveaway artist?

A giveaway artist is an artist who creates artwork and simply gives it away.

They are driven by some purpose, whether it be to make people happy as with the case of artist Bren Bataclan of Cambridge. He has created artwork that can be taken into homes for free, as well as free murals for everyone to see.

The benefits of being a giveaway artist are immediate. Artwork given away in such a fashion is instantly inspiring to the artist and to the person receiving the art.

If you paint a mural at a school for instance, you can have the children there contribute to the artwork and be a part of a piece that can last a lifetime. Thus raising self-esteem for kids and contributing to growing communities!

Like I said earlier, I don't know much about making a living giving away artwork, but there is definitely something to be gained that goes well beyond any monetary value.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Last Day at Motel 6

Today is my last day working for Motel 6..

Now I’m getting ready to move out of State to either Nevada, Arizona or Arkansas.

Too many opportunities ahead, it’s just a matter of picking one and running with it.

I’m confused but hopeful :lol: